Category: Poetry

The Widow’s Cloud; The Shadowlet

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Approaching Zero

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Against the Blue

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My Other Life; Solstice in Age; Trees Full of Prayers; The Way It Is

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Life Lessons; “Not that he was here . . .”

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Vellum; Forgetting; In Act V, Lear Attempts a Sonnet

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Outside the Door

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Late Afflictions

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The Treachery of Titles

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Like Mowing the Grass; Annunciation Triptych

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Little Collage; Breakwater Rock

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Living Situation on Thomes Street

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Clearing Brush

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After Snow; “Tell It Slant”

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Lenape Names in Philadelphia; Gonzalez Grocery

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The Attic

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Reconstructed Sapphic Fragment 24C

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The Swifts

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Sestina on Six Words by Michael Peterson

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The Auction

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Shopping; Practicing Death

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First Prize: Lute Man; I Still Hold Memories

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Second Prize: Understory; This

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Third Prize: The Light at Dusk; Pines

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Honorable Mention: Harvest

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Honorable Mention: Sighting

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Cy Twombly’s Leda; Úbeda

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The Blank Museum

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Acid Permanent; Red Speaks

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Behold Thy Mother

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Sarcophagus of the Spouses

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Coda to Sappho

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A Pair of Glasses

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Dominant Harmony; A Mirror at Holy Name

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Silence Sounds Different Now; A Good End

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Not Dark Enough for Fireflies

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Untold Lives of Ancient Greece; Tide Pools

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last summer i dug two graves i hope never to fill

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Thank You, T. S. Eliot; The Scalping of Emily Dickinson

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My Mother’s Outside

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“The Trojan War Will Not Take Place”; Lao-Tse and the Louse; Firefly; Night Letters

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My Mother’s Menagerie

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The Little Donkey of Missolonghi

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Phenomenology of Ocular Migraine; Quantum Cat

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To a Deer Tick

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Postscript: Post-COVID

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