
William H. Pritchard

Articles by William H. Pritchard

Too Much Dazzle

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On Richard Ford

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Dryden’s Correspondence

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Wilson Confesses

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On Ian McEwan

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Robert Lowell’s Memoirs

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Terrible Terry

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More Letters from T.S.E.

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On Jonathan Franzen

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Graham Greene Revisited

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Ricks’s Heroic Lines

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Roth Biographed

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A. N. Wilson on Dickens

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The Sacred Fount and Later James

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John Carey: A Little History

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Eliot’s Last Prose

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Bevis’ Fun

Memorable Correspondents: The Kenner/Davenport Letters

Reflections of a Dinosaur

Updike Novels

Epistolary Larkin

Kingsley Amis’ Music

Agee, the Movies, and Me

Amis as Critic

Powell’s Way

Roth Returns

On Michael Wood on Empson

Conrad Once More

In Search of Humor

Evelyn Waugh Revisited

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Back to School with Nicholson Baker

Anthony Hecht’s Nobility

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Literary Awakenings

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Howells and the Right American Stuff

Shakespeare Prefaced

More Epistolary Eliot

Recent Critics of Milton

The Genius of Clive James

Fiction Chronicle

The Prose Eliot

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Ezra Pound

Teaching Shakespeare

George Eliot and Her Critics

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Reading Swift

D. H. Lawrence’s Poetry and Its Critics

Epistolary Cather

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On Politics

Professorial Declarations

Trilling Matters

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Portrait of a Genius…But

Ben Jonson: Poet

Approaching Dante

Ben Jonson: Poet

Macauley Reconsidered

Elizabeth Taylor’s Otherness

Forster as Broadcaster and Critic

Hazlitt Redivivus

Naipaul Unveiled

Bishop’s Time

Edmund Wilson’s Permanent Criticism

Voices in Fiction

Hardy Biographed

Johnson’s Lives

Fiction Chronicle

Possibilities for Wordsworth

The Perfect Critic

Dryden Rules

Betjeman’s Way

Anthony Powell and His Critics

Hugh Kenner’s Achievement

What’s Been Happening to Jane Austen?

In Memoriam: Frederick Morgan 1922-2004 (In Memoriam)

Fiction Matters

Midwestern Boy

Orwell Matters

Writing About Music

TLS Lives

book review

Mr. Barzun and the Decky-Dance

Keyboard Reflections

Fiction Chronicle

Mr. Wilson’s Literary Life

All That Jazz

Authorizing Samuel Johnson

Fiction Rules

Ford Once More

Classic Chandler

Actual Fiction

Yeats’s First Fifty Years

What to Do with Carlyle?

At the Goreyworks

Responding to Blake

My Brontë Problem—And Yours?

Fiction Chronicle

Reading Joseph Epstein

Looking Back at Lessing

Appreciating Kingsley Amis

Naipaul’s Written World

That Shakespeherian Rag

James on Tour

Reading Hawthorne

Burke’s Great Melody

Total Waugh

Glorious Trollope

Tradition and Some Individual Talents

Uncommon Common Readers

Mailer’s Main Event

Family Ties

Fiction Chronicle

The Exaggerator

All Aboard Amtrak

Novel Reports

Henry Mencken’s Prejudices

Sound and Fury

Realism without Magic

Epistolary Eliot

Anyone for Tennyson?

Salvos from the Gender War

The Trouble with Ernest

Santayana’s Legacy


Fiction Chronicle: Fictional Places

Love Story

Pope’s Conspiring Hand

Epistolary Styles

Tom and Ivy Confidential

Fictive Voices

The Crisis in Criticism

Anthony Powell’s Gift

Poetry Chronicle: Aboard the Poetry Omnibus

Some August Fiction

Dealing with Decon

Classic Revival

Sage Lives

Novel Discomforts and Delights

Byronic Epistles

Critics on Poets

Criticism as Literature

Fictional Fixes

Conradically Speaking

Blackmur’s Last Song

Hardy’s Winter Words

Criticisms of Life: Sound and Half-Sound

Telling Stories

The Anne Sexton Show

Our Man in Life

The Six Modern Poets

Merely Fiction

More Poetry Matters

The Grip of Frost

Novel Auguries

The Hermeneutical Mafia, or, After Strange Gods at Yale

Larkin Lives

Novel Sex and Violence

Poetry Matters

Understanding Virginia

Long Novels and Short Stories

Those Who Can’t

Paradise Lost

Youngsters, Middlesters, and Some Old Boys

The Current State of Criticism

Stranger than Truth

Frost Departmentalized

Shags and Poets

Tones of Criticism

Sense of Reality

A Fine Messed-Up Life

Why Read Criticism?

Fiction Chronicle

Mr. Appolinax

Poetry Chronicle