
Dana Gioia

Articles by Dana Gioia

A Tale of Two Composers

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The Imaginary Operagoer: A Memoir

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From The Underworld

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Psalm and Lament for Los Angeles

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The Underworld

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Map of the Lost Empire; Three Drunk Poets

Monster; An Old Story

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Prophecy; The Lunatic, The Lover, and the Poet



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Two Poets Named Dunstan Thompson

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Poetry Chronicle

Progress Report

The Unknown Soldier: The Poetry of John Allan Wyeth

Disappearing Ink: Poetry at the End of Print Culture

Autumn Inaugural; The Heart of the Matter; The Apple Orchard; Being Happy

Words; Elegy with Surrealist Proverbs as Refrain; The End of the World; A California Requiem; The Bargain; Accomplice; The Lost Garden

Learning from Robert Fitzgerald

My Dead Lover; Unsaid

The Voyeur; Metamorphosis; For Sale; Failure; The Litany

The Hand of the Poet: The Magical Value of Manuscripts

Counting the Children

Notes on the New Formalism

The Successful Career of Robert Bly

Meeting Mr. Cheever

In Cheever Country; A Short History of Tobacco; Los Angeles after the Rain; Maze Without a Minotaur; The End of a Season

Eastern Standard Time; His Three Women; Parts of Summer Weather

The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man

The Barrier of a Common Language: British Poetry in the Eighties

Business and Poetry

Poetry Chronicle

Poetry and the Fine Presses

Daily Horoscope

Poetry Chronicle

An Elegy for Vladimir de Pachmann; God Only Knows; Lives of the Great Composers; Photograph of My Mother as a Young Girl; View from the Second Story

Poetry Chronicle