
Mark Jarman

Articles by Mark Jarman

Life of a Laureate

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Artifice and Artistry

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Of Mere Being: Five Poems by Wallace Stevens

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1961 at George Sand’s House; The Story

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Richard Wilbur’s Translations of Molière

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“if you want to make it more complicated, I agree”

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Crossing Again; The Fugitives; Brave Face; For the Adversary

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Unstinting Generosity

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Returning to Roethke

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In a Dark Time

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In Flight from the Fugitives

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The Lyric in Verse and Prose

The Old Historicism and the Practical Critic: Reading Logan Reading

My Father Returns as a Luna Moth; A Happy Childhood; Blackout Good Friday Night; Elegy of Mixed Feelings

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“Some Sang”

Two Citizens: The Life and Work of James Wright

What Was Postmodern Poetry?

Whole Earth: Edward O. Wilson’s Proposal to Save the Biosphere

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You Are Not Finished: Seamus Heaney’s Translation of the Aeneid Book VI

Life and After Life

The Elements of Style

The Heronry; Bulgarian Icon of the Last Supper; Outward Bound; Tea Fire

Odtaa Furioso

The Poet As Prophet: The Life and Letters of Robinson Jeffers

The Judgment of Poetry

What Happened to the New Formalism

Letter from the Western Isles

Writing for God: The Life and Work of George Herbert

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The Dancing Satyr; Meaning; Crab in a Mussel Shell

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Lives of a Poet: Denise Levertov

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A Poet’s Life in Letters

From the Gazebo; The Flower Duet

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More or Less

Letter from the Mediterranean

William Carlos Williams in Translation

Letter from Prague

A Word to the Wise: New Translations of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes

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Primary Texts and Secondary Sources

Citizen Milton

Translation for Our Moment

The Children’s Table; Encounter; Aid to Memory; Castlerigg; Wedding Villanelle

On Edginess

Praying and Bird-Watching: The Life of R.S. Thomas

A Secondary Epic: Robert Fagles’ Aeneid

Your Anonymous Correspondent: Ezra Pound and The Hudson Review

Good Company: Six Voices

Theory’s Umpires

When the Light Came On: The Epic Gilgamesh

Late Excellence

A Poem of Pure Enjoyment

To Kill or Not to Kill: When Heroes Waver

Ovid, Our Contemporary

Letter from Sofia

A Life on the Page

The Excitement; Enlightenment Ghazal; The Football Dream

Song of Roland; On Learning of a Child’s Memory; The Heavenly Ladder of John Klimax

Sister Nobody

Eliot Among the Women

Eyewitnesses of Majesty

Dark Night of the Brilliant Talker

Solving for X: The Poetry and Prose of Wallace Stevens

Cycle; Epistle I; Epistle II

A Story of Deep Delight: The Life of Robert Penn Warren

The Hunter Davenport

On Either Side of the Water

The Primal Storyteller

Shifting Sands: The Columbia History of American Poetry

Nine Unholy Sonnets

Memory’s Household

In Via Est Cisterna

Journals of the Soul

The Bible as Literature

The Life of Meaning

The Curse of Discursiveness


Letter from Leeds

Dressing My Daughters; The Double Bow

An Old Master and Four New Poets

Monroe Spears and the Judgment of Character

Poetry Chronicle: Scale of Engagement, from Self to Form Itself

The Home

Poetry Chronicle: Singers and Storytellers

Generations and Contemporaries

Storytelling Verse from Oxford

Ideal Conditons; Poem in June