Category: Poetry

Milk and Honey

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Ghost Apples

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The Critic

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You Summon Me . . .

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2022; Suppose I were an unremarkable

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Upriver; The Ways of Life

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From The Underworld

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The Explanation; A Lyrical Ballad; The Milk Train; Facts of the Matter

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The Hudson River School of Painters

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1961 at George Sand’s House; The Story

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The Last of Diocletian

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Stolen Roses

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When I Was Young; Miracle of Mine; Go By, Go By

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A Dream of My Life; The Household of the Word

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Undine; First Light

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Galilee; Of Tattoos and Medieval Messages

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New Year’s Eve

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The Offering; The Voices; Nausicaa

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In the Den

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A Glass

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From Ithaca

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The Road; Poem Beginning with a Line by Rachel Wetzsteon

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Neilah; Creature

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Wednesday’s Child; A Morning Lake, an Evening Pond

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Limestone, with Traces; Onto the Fens

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The Purple Box

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Neoplatonic Philosophy

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The Quiet Time

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The Passé Simple

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Leda and the Swan

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A Walmart in Connecticut

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The Acme No. 470 Clicker

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November Notes; Litany

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Parking Garage; “Richard Burton”; The word

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Shipmates; An Ancient Story

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December Issue; Moon Garden

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A Few Matters of Disposition in the August Garden; For a Few Moments of Silence

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From This Broken Symmetry

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Kalypso to Paul of Tarsus

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To One in Mourning; Spiritual Direction

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