
Brooke Allen

Articles by Brooke Allen

The Thespians

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Film Chronicle

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The Lessons of 1848

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The Birth of the Self

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Tocqueville’s Politics in Theory and Practice

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Cinema out of Town

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Meritocracy and Its Discontents

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Letter from Yorkshire

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Elizabeth Spencer Reconsidered

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Letter from the Road

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Social Justice Groupthink

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Cinematic Travel

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Don’t Forget the Butterfly Effect

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Class Warfare at the Movies

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The Shakespeareans

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Blood and Gore

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Coleridge the Trailblazer

Low-Budget Pleasures


Artist, Not Muse

Madison: Not the Musical

Historical Characters Portrayed

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The Strangest Story: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Ulysses S. Grant

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Film Chronicle

Friends: Pepys and Evelyn

Subtle Cinema

Jonathan Swift and His Times—Again

Slow Movies

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The English Franklin

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Diverse Fare

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Film Chronicle

Infringement on the Common Heritage

A Life Lived in Interesting Times

Dueling Authors

How Real Is It?

Not Today’s Conservative

An Innocent Abroad

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How the Founders Lived

John Adams: Innocent Sage

Film Chronicle

Adapting the Classic

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Augustan Satire Reconsidered

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Terror, Terror Everywhere

Rachel Carson Revisited

Reading: Our Past and Present Selves

The Lure of Versailles

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Elaine Pagels’ Revelations

Playing with Archetypes

Shrewd Old Abe

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Truth or Heresy?

Letter from Damascus

Updike’s Farewell

The Life and Times of Latin

Aesthetic Phantoms

Rhetorical Questions

The Value of Doubt

The Multi-Tasking Marquise

George Sand: A Life as Theater

Sensibility and Sense

Jefferson the Skeptic

Alexander the Great—or the Terrible?

Benjamin Franklin’s Triumph of Reason

Alexander Hamilton: The Enlightened Realist

The Banality of Eros

book review

Sinclair Lewis: The Bard of Discontents

Awash in Snobbery

More than the Sum of His Parts: The Enigma of Winston Churchill

John Adams: Realist of the Revolution

Boswell’s Turn

The Adventures of Saul Bellow

Colette: The Literary Marianne

Calvino: Old Wine in a New Bottle

Shades of Matthew Arnold

Matisse Revealed

Sorcerers’ Apprentices

Not Quite Dead