Category: Fiction

The Farmers’ Daughters

Joe, the Vanishing American

Something to Explain

Paris and Cleveland Are Voyages

Maria Gardner

The Unhappy Hunting Grounds

To The Wilderness I Wander

Miracle Play

The Summer Solstice

Krull in Defense of Love

Monstre Gai II

Man and Wife

Monstre Gai I

Monday Morning

Two Gentlemen from America

Red Tags

Miss Cudahy of Stowes Landing


The Search

Rain on Prize Day


Father and Son

Papa Haydn’s Dead and Gone

A Beautiful Night for Orion

Christmas with Larceny Coming

Very Sharp for Jagging

Still Waters

Seven Indian Tales


Sudden Danger

This Indolence of Mine

The Soldier

The Heart of the Artichoke

The Fall of Irish Johnston

A Family Town

Address by Gooley MacDowell to the Hasbeens Club of Chicago

Four Hours to Rome

The Letters

Children of Ruth

Indians in Overalls


As You Were

Sir Rabbit

The Tooth

Lectures of Wendell Kretschmar

The White Hound

A Summer Campaign