Category: Criticism

Of “Song of Myself”

Ben Jonson: Poet

How We Became So Beautiful and So Bright: Deep History and Evolutionary Anthropology

How we Became So Beautiful and Bright: Deep History and Evolutionary Anthropology

The Poem and the Path

Macauley Reconsidered


Robert Burns’s Inspired Clay


Hazlitt Redivivus

Bergman’s Unseen Masterpiece

Rivers, Bells, Nostalgia (trans. by Richard Pevear)

Song, Rain, Snow: Translating the Poetry of Yves Bonnefoy

Naipaul Unveiled

The Burning of the Charity Bazaar

“An Impersonal Passion”: Thornton Wilder

The Unknown Soldier: The Poetry of John Allan Wyeth

Joseph Moncure March: Poem Noir Becomes Prizefight Film

A Desirable Woman

Bishop’s Time

Apt Admonishment: Wordsworth As an Example

Penelope Fitzgerald’s Unknown Fiction

Fred: The Astaire Way to Heaven

J.S. Bach in the Twenty-First Century: The Chapel Becomes a Larder

Nothing Will Ever Be the Same

The Way of All Flesh

Grease, Balance, and Point of View in the Work of Anthony Trollope

Johnson’s Lives

Didion’s Dreamwork

Joseph Conrad

Convention and Chaos in The Turn of the Screw

Your Anonymous Correspondent: Ezra Pound and The Hudson Review

The Tyranny of Beauty: Kawabata

Jefferson the Skeptic

Thomas and Katia

Memory of Troy, trans. by Richard Pevear

Ambiguities, Complexities, Puzzles: A Late Encounter with William Empson

Søren Kierkegaard: Master of Refraction

Dryden Rules

Crisis in Europe

The First-Person Don Quixote

Local Knowledge in the Age of Information

Solid Gold

Flaubert in 1848

Alexander the Great—or the Terrible?

The Uses of Periodicity in English Verse

The Finite Experience of Infinite Life

Reloading That Gun: Reading an Old Poem as If It Matters

A Completely Determined Human Being

Hugh Kenner’s Achievement