Category: Book Review

Unseen Guests

Undone by Doubt

Poetry Chronicle

To Use and Transform: Recent Poetry of Charles Tomlinson

What the Center Holds

Where All the Ladders Start

Reading Hawthorne

Five Women and One Man

Said’s Global Consciousness

Burke’s Great Melody

Poetry Chronicle

Dante as His Own Rival

Eurofiction, Interest Rates, and the Balance of Trade Problem

Family Values

Fiction Chronicle

Total Waugh

Shakespeare’s Myth

Politics and the Novel

Defending Children against Fairy Tales

Aesthetic Subversions

Journals of the Soul

In and Out of the Loop

Glorious Trollope

Obscure Romantics and Uneasy Victorians

Poetry Chronicle

Characters Invented and Discovered


Time and Distance

The Holiness of the Ordinary

Mythical Histories

The Authentic Voice

Of Animals That Talk and Words That Bite

The Bible as Literature

Delusions of Mediocrity

And Then Do Something Else

Tradition and Some Individual Talents

Making Sense of What Takes Place

Deconstructing Literary History

James McConkey and the Calculus of Fact

Poetry Chronicle

Prized Poetry

Genius or Fudge? The Clouded Alembics of Magister Poe

Uncommon Common Readers

Bad, Better, Best

Invasions of Privacy

The Life of Meaning

Raising Cain


Other Voices, Other Rooms

Mailer’s Main Event