Category: Arts Review


Dramatizing AIDS

After the Retrospective: Matisse and Picasso

Soundings: Thoughts in a Musical Season

The London Theatre

Music Chronicle

Ethics and Aesthetics

The Guggenheim Returns

Bearing Witness

Musicals Revived

Music Chronicle

Hoping for Eternal Spring

Love Without Pity

Both Doors Open

Minor Masters, Neglected Giants

Historical Drama


Death of a Musical Comedy

Music Chronicle

History, Identity, and Other Big Questions

The Atrides in Vincennes

The Fate of the Avant-Garde

Theatre in Southern California

Law of the Jungle


Broadway Economics

Diminishing Returns: Malevich to Salle

Music Chronicle

The Wake of War

Titian, Tanner, and the Remade SoHo

Ayckbourn in New York

Loney People, Living in the World

Rites of Passage

Performing the Classics

Music Chronicle

Glasnost Hopes, MoMA Failures

Music Chronicle

The Stratford Festival, Ontario, Canada

The Emperor, His Clothes & His Critics

Lovers and Other Strangers

Early Moderns: Benton, Marin, Spencer

The Blind Leading the Blind

Music Chronicle

Saint Cinema

The Actors Theatre of Louisville

Old Glory

Music Chronicle

Sexual Politics, European Style and the American Way

Music Chronicle

Political Drama