- Naipaul Unveiled William H. Pritchard
- The Burning of the Charity Bazaar Frederick Brown
- "An Impersonal Passion": Thornton Wilder Bruce Bawer
- Every High Hill Cary Holladay
- The Atlas; My Masterpiece Andrew Motion
- The Sun's Diurnal Course; A Pirate's Crew; Ghost Ship; The Complete Songs Thomas M. Disch
- Squibnocket; The Broken Swan; Disappearing Act Elise Paschen
- The Tyranny of Milk Sara London
- My Daughter Dances Stephen C. Behrendt
- Haircut; The Founding of Byzantium; Les Ruines du Visage; Marginalia Deborah Warren
- Cooking by Waters: An Anti-Elegy; Another Breakup Sydney Lea
- A Spring Morning; Letting in the Darkness Jayanta Mahapatra
- Among Ruins; Two Views of the River Robert Gibb
- Kabuki Goes Hollywood Richard Hornby
- Enigma in the Middle Marcia B. Siegel
- At the Galleries Karen Wilkin
- Kenneth Burke and Shakespeare Emily Grosholz
- The Wounded Laureate David Mason
- Outside, Inside Peter Makuck
- A Good Time Everywhere Michael Barber
- Aesthetic Phantoms Brooke Allen
- Collecting Science: Sokal, Dawkins, and McKibben Harold Fromm
- History and Nightmare Tom Wilhelmus
- American Art and Literature Karen Wilkin
- Letter from Venice Sergio Perosa
In Memoriam
- In Memoriam: Thomas M. Disch Bruce Bawer