Winter 1982 (Volume XXXIV, No. 4) The No Self, the Little Self, and the Poets Criticism by Richard Moore At the Shore Poetry by Harvey Shapiro Realists Criticism by Louis Simpson Five Dream Poems Poetry by Frederick Morgan Truth, Justice, and Other Spice for the Immature Criticism by Marvin Mudrick Winter Approaches; The Old Park, by Boris Pasternak Poetry by Jon Stallworthy Winter Approaches; The Old Park, by Boris Pasternak Poetry by Peter France Winter Approaches; The Old Park, trans. by Jon Stallworthy and Peter France Poetry by Boris Pasternak Five Poems, by Anna Akhmatova Poetry by Anne Wilkinson Five Poems, by Anna Akhmatova Poetry by Judith Hemschemeyer Five Poems, trans. by Judith Hemschemeyer and Anne Wilkinson Poetry by Anna Akhmatova Prelude to the Horizon of the Thirties Fiction by Robert Luhn The Death on an Immigrant Mother; My Father Blowing Smoke Rings Poetry by Jean Nordhaus Two AM, January Poetry by Greg Kuzma Theatre Chronicle Arts Review by Robert Asahina Byronic Epistles Book Review by William H. Pritchard Poetry Chronicle Book Review by Dana Gioia The Modesty of Anthony Powell Book Review by Michael Gorra A Personal Road Book Review by Clara Claiborne Park The First and Other Persons Book Review by Gilberto Perez Versions of America Book Review by Vernon Shetley Africa Addio Book Review by Vernon Young Ferocious Alphabets Book Review by Steven Helmling