
John Simon

Articles by John Simon

Music History Lite

Grimes Begrimed

Short but Seldom Sweet

When the Ecstatic Body Grips

Brothers Under the Skin: O’Neill and Williams

The Elephant Man

Between the Conception and the Recreation Falls The Shadow Line

Theatre Chronicle: Kopit, Norman, and Shepard

Theatre Chronicle

The World on Film

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Laughter in the Soul: Molière’s Misanthrope

Hippodrama at the Pyschodrome

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Pentimental Journey

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

That Championship Season

The Aesthetics of the Actor’s Appearance

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle


Theatre Chronicle

Grotowski’s Grotesqueries

Theatre Chronicle

On Producing Peer Gynt

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Letter to the Editor

Theatre Chronicle

Mailer on the March

Letter to the Editor

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Abuse of Privilege: Lowell as Translator

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Norman Brown’s Body

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Between Puppet and God

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

More Brass Than Enduring

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

The Theatre Critic and His Double

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle

Theatre Chronicle