Summer 1954 (Volume VII, No. 2)

Discoveries in Greek Mythology


Translations from Archilochus

Made When Boskie; Said Heraclitus; The Quenchless Gleid; Crime Passionel, or Lothario Surprised; Sonnet à l’Hypocrite Lecteur

Red Tags

Paso a la Aurora, Passage to Dawn; Las Ninfas (The Nymphs); Tiempo al Tiempo, o El Jardín (Time Unto Time, or The Garden), trans. by W. S. Merwin

Paso a la Aurora, Passage to Dawn; Las Ninfas (The Nymphs); Tiempo al Tiempo, o El Jardín (Time Unto Time, or The Garden), by Jorge Guillén

The Poetry of Jorge Guillén

Myth as Information

Ladies by Their Windows; Sonnet; In Bertram’s Garden

Four Canons from the T’ang

Letter III

Elegy: for W. H.

Nothing is Worth

Faulkner as Elegist

Broadway: Classics and Imports

Letter from England

Tales of the Vienna Woods

Poetry and Life: Lord Byron

Menander and Milk Wood

The Poetry of Unbelief

Recent Verse

Literature and Things

Parables of Disorder