Notes on Contributors

Notes on Contributors

PERRI KLASS is Professor of Journalism and Pediatrics at New York University. Her most recent book is The Best Medicine: How Science and Public Health Gave Children a Future (W. W. Norton, 2022).
LARRY WOLFF is Julius Silver Professor of History at New York University. His most recent book is The Shadow of the Empress: Fairy-Tale Opera and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy (Stanford University Press, 2023).
TESS LEWIS was 2023 Scholar of Note at the American Library in Paris. Her translation of Cécile Wajsbrot’s novel Nevermore will be published by Seagull Books in November.
RACHEL HADAS has two books forthcoming in 2025: Forty-four Pastorals (Measure Press) and From Which We Start Awake (Able Muse Press). She is currently Original English Verse Editor of Classical Outlook.
DAVID MASON lives in Tasmania. His latest book of poems is Pacific Light (Red Hen Press, 2022).
BRIAN CULHANE’s most recent poetry collection is Remembering Lethe (Able Muse Press, 2021).
GARRET KEIZER’s most recent book is The World Pushes Back (Texas Review Press, 2019), winner of the X. J. Kennedy Poetry Prize.
MICHAEL SPENCE’s Umbilical (St. Augustine’s Press, 2016) won The New Criterion Poetry Prize.
JOHN RILEY* lives in North Carolina. 10,000 Words, a book of prose poems, was published by EXOT Books in 2023.
JEFFREY HARRISON is the author of six books of poetry, most recently Between Lakes (Four Way Books, 2020).
CHARLES McGRATH’s memoir The Summer Friend was published by Alfred A. Knopf in 2022.
YVONNE ZIPTER’s* most recent collection of poetry is The Wordless Lullaby of Crickets (Kelsay Books, 2023).
DAVID J. ROTHMAN co-authored the textbook Learning the Secrets of English Verse (Springer, 2022).
PRISCILLA LONG is the author most recently of Dancing with the Muse in Old Age (Coffeetown Press, 2022).
TERENCE P. PARÉ* is currently working on a novel.
For many years, JAMES CAMPBELL worked at the TLS in London and wrote its back-page NB column. A selection was published last year as NB by J.C.: A Walk Through the Times Literary Supplement (Paul Dry Books).
BECKY Y. LU is currently a Doctoral Lecturer at Baruch College, CUNY, where she teaches Western music history and theory. She earned a Ph.D. in Musicology from Cornell University, where she received the Donald J. Grout Memorial Prize for exceptional dissertations.
KAREN WILKIN lectured on the pioneer collector of Modernist art John Quinn at The Cosmopolitan Club, New York.
ERICK NEHER is Vice President of Marketing for Hearst Magazines.
MARK JARMAN’s latest collection of poetry, Zeno’s Eternity, was published by Paul Dry Books in 2023.
LOUISE MARBURG is the author of three collections of short stories, most recently You Have Reached Your Destination (EastOver Press, 2022). She lives in New York City.
LORNA KNOWLES BLAKE’s Green Hill, her second poetry collection, won the Able Muse Book Award and was published by Able Muse Press in 2018.
BROOKE ALLEN teaches History of Thought in the Bennington Prison Education Initiative.
WILLIAM H. PRITCHARD’s next piece will be on Christopher Isherwood.


*Asterisk indicates a new contributor.