
I’ve Rendered Myself

I’ve Rendered Myself

Dilectus meus mihi . . .

I’ve rendered myself His own,
and so well my gift recover,
that my Lover’s mine alone
and I wholly for my Lover.

When that sweet Hunter took aim
and fired and brought me low,
to the arms of love I came
wounded, with my soul in tow;
now full of new life I go,
and so fully I recover
that my Lover’s mine alone
and I wholly for my Lover.

The arrow he loosed in air,
tipped with love, hurried to find me;
my soul joined its Maker there
and with Him so fast entwined me
that no other love can bind me,
for I desire no other,
since my Lover’s mine alone
and I wholly for my Lover.
[Translated from the Spanish by Rhina P. Espaillat]